齐林书院 > 鳏寡娈鸾 > 第51回:美满成亲10


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    p>  很快,托马斯接到冯玛莲的回信,信里说:

    Dear Thomas:

    I have received the letter, I also miss you very much.

    Read your letter said wonderful things, ed! This could be God's arrangement!

    I have this wonderful things said to his father. ese after

    the reform and opening up, he once went to Guangzhou to find hiw Li Wen and nephew Feng Xiaojian, when he heard his sister Li Wen has remarried, the new life he didn't want to bother Li Wen eldest sister-in-law, so not to visit.

    Dear Thoept your proposal to rry you! But this marriage, you must go to my house, I said to my father, asking him to marry her daughter to you, and assure him will be good to me, love me forever. Induced

    The healthy and smooth!

    Feng y in California











